Monday, August 11, 2008

Some Crazy days...

Since we have been in Beijing life has barely stopped moving. Before the Village started to fill with athletes we were training and preparing like mad men for the Games; now that the Village is packed and the Games have begun, life is still busy as ever, just a little less practice time. The Village is -- in all its glory and infamy-- a special place. People are so incredibly nice and supportive, and seemingly so despite their country of origin. People are here putting their very best forward, both athletically and personally. Now it's not quite Kumbyyah and all that sappy nonesense, but people generally have a positive competitive energy here that I have never felt before. Maybe the 'spirit' that is the Olympics is truly that powerful and leveling for people.
Whatever you want to call it, the energy in the Village has an addictive quality. Maybe it is the somewhat OCD nature of high level athletes but the feeling you get from being surrounded by thousands of people trying their best to push their potential, their limits, that much further than before... well it is special.
This ramble is an attempt (poor one at that) to get me back on track writing, so for the few who may one day see this just know that somethings are hard to describe; the atmosphere (not the people, or the conversations, or the games, but the feeling in and of the air around here) is hard to describe accurately...

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